Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sam's Pants are on Fire

Hi Mum,

It's not true what Sam said. Sometimes he hasn't been here when it is bed time and sometimes the door is shut so I can't go down and see him. I do wake him and Edward up every morning with BT kisses though.

I do miss Silvey, but I don't think she liked me very much. Yesterday I laid on the back of the sofa where she used to lie for a while. When everyone was busy I went and laid on your bed cos I miss you too. It took them a while to find me, but we had a good game of rough and tumble when they did.

It was not too hot yesterday so we all sat outside for a while. Edward read his book and Grandma did some knitting.

Last night I think Grandma was trying to teach me a new trick. Everytime I touched my toy basket she gave me some cheese. Then I got lots of fuss if I dropped my ball in the basket. I am not sure where we are going with this, but it's good to get cheese!

Then they were all laughing at me because I was chasing round the house for a while. They said I was having a crazy turn. It was fun though and I was tired afterwards which was lucky as it was bed time.

This morning they all went out and left me by myself. I am not going to tell you what I did because I managed to hide all the evidence before thay came back and hopefully no one will ever find out.

Lots of BT kisses


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